
Posts Tagged ‘The Bachelorette’

What another sucky day in paradise for Ali on last night’s installment of The Bachelorette. Well, her first two Tahitian dates with Roberto and Chris had such a sweet quality about them. Each of those two men seem like genuine choices. 

Then came time for the ever angst and insecure Frank to have his time. His part of the show did not begin in Tahiti with Ali though. It began with him bemoaning the fact that while he was falling in love with Ali — he felt the resurrection of feelings for his most recent ex-girlfriend (that he had broken up with). Of course this meant that he had to seek out this ex-girlfriend (with the camera crew in tow of course) and share his revelation with her. What person would just open their door to their ex and allow them to prance on inside with a camera crew? Anyway, this was a slow painful exhibition of Frank telling his ex how amazing his exotic dates had been with the amazing Ali. I was thinking “that’s not exactly how to endear yourself to your ex-girlfriend.” Eventually Frank mentioned that he still had feelings for this girl on the sofa. Then, the ex-girlfriend said she had not stopped thinking of Frank since he left and that it was “time for him to come home.” (Probably Frank got tired of living with his parents after he came back from Paris). Then Frank told his soon-to-be-once-again girlfriend that he now had to go to Tahiti and tell Ali he was leaving her for his ex-girlfriend.

Of course we have Chris Harrison playing counselor to Frank (and eventually Ali). Then it is time for Frank to drop the bomb on Ali. Just sad. Why couldn’t this guy simply have called Ali from Chicago and told her that he was staying with his girlfriend? One word. Ratings. Well, two words: drama and ratings.

I would like to think that Ali will end up choosing one of the sweet and seemingly genuine men remaining at that final rose ceremony. But, the checkout aisle tabloids have already been “spoiling” that notion for weeks. What can we expect from “reality TV” made-to-order love stories?

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Well, who’d a thunk it? Jake and Vienna broke up.

Yesterday was just another summer Tuesday… until news broke all over the interwebs reporting the “nasty” break up of the most recent Bachelor and his controversial pick for fiancée. Jake is saying only that “Sometimes love just isn’t enough in a relationship.”

Of course there are always plenty of rumors swirling about “who cheated on who,” or whether or not they ever actually kissed off camera (per Vienna’s step-mom). The reality of reality TV show love is that, in fact, many people consider the end of this “fairy tale romance” another one of those break-ups that is no surprise.

I wonder if Ali (who left Jake for her job) will have any better luck in this season’s offering of The Bachelorette.

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It is about all I can do to type WTF were you thinking Jake?” But then again, I have said that countless times at the end of past seasons of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. Why do I keep watching? I don’t know, except it is one of my silly little guilty pleasures to heckle this show!

After last week’s show I had even posted that Jake may not choose anyone–after last week’s preview showed Jake “pulling a Mesnick” (as Chris Harrison put it). But, alas. He did choose a fiancé–and he chose Vienna.

And if you remember one of my previous recap posts from this season you know why I opened the post with “WTF Jake?”–because out of the last two women standing… he did indeed have “The Lady and the Tramp” to choose from.

We shall see if the Jake and Vienna pairing is a match that is truly on the wings of love, or if that’s just what they’re selling us! HA! There are already reports that Jake is cheating…

Speaking of selling… Jason and Molly are getting married… and guess what? The wedding will air next week 0n ABC. Chris Harrison also announced that Ali Fedotowsky was to be the next Bachelorette.

Hey, no one ever promised us a rose garden! 😉

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OK. Now simmer down out there! It’s not like that! SHEESH! 😉 Is that retro poster at the left from the first season of The Bachelorette? HA!! 😀

What I am referring to is that–without fail–whenever there is a girl on The Bachelor who finally confesses to the man who is choosing “his future wife” that season that she is “saving herself for marriage” invariably the dude says “I respect that” and then plants a wet one on the girl. However, what is also an expected outcome is that at the next rose ceremony she will be sent home! That is why I call it the virgin sacrifice. Sure enough, last night:

“Jake’s next one on one is with Corrie. The two go on a special date in San Francisco’s Golden State Park. Surrounded by aquariums full of exotic sea life, Corrie tells Jake that she is a virgin and plans on waiting until marriage. Jake is okay with that and seals it with their first kiss.”

But alas, it continually appears that the virgin confessions (on The Bachelor) are in fact the kiss of death! Jake does a pretty good job of looking sad when he sends the ladies packing. Oh well! The show is not exactly rocket science!  It’s just a “guilty pleasure.”

Speaking of kisses… on to much better thoughts about kisses. ♥ Here is one of my all time favorite songs about one of the most wonderful things about living… passionate kisses! ♥

Mary Chapin Carpenter: Passionate Kisses

“Do I want too much
Am I going overboard to want that touch
I shout it out to the night
“Give me what I deserve, ’cause it’s my right”
Shouldn’t I have this (shouldn’t I)
Shouldn’t I have all of this, and

Passionate kisses…”

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Don’t they always? What do they want to know now? Who are they anyway?ed_tricked

Anyone who followed the most recent season of The Bachelorette probably remembers Jillian’s proclamation right before Ed came out to the proposal podium (after turning down 2 proposals–1 from Kiptyn, and 1 from Reid).

  1. Are Ed & Jillian still together?
  2. Are they staying together for the sake of money?
  3. Did Ed really cheat on Jillian with those two women?
  4. Does anyone care what Wes has to say about Jillian & Ed?
  5. Did you know Reid also has an opinion about Ed & Jillian?
  6. Did you make it through the entire 5 mins. & 14 secs. of the YouTube tribute to Ed & Jillian falling in love?
  7. Did Ed ever pass Jillian’s hot dog test?

jillian_ellenWho knows! I know that when I saw the 9/10/09 Ellen episode with Ed and Jillian as guests all I heard was a cleverly crafted verbal hot potato game on Ed’s part. Ellen would ask a question of the couple, and Ed would juggle it around like a hot potato. Jillian hardly spoke. Answers from Ed like “Jillian knew when I came on the show I was a bachelor in every sense of the word.” And “we’ve had our ups and downs, and I have told her what I need to tell her.” Interpretation: “I was still screwing around with those other 2 women up until Jillian actually picked me and I had to settle down. I told her all about it—once the tabloids got a hold of my deceptions.”

Time will tell… jill_ed_dump

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ed_better_notEd better not f’ing disappoint me!”

Even though it may have seemed a little off-sides when Jillian said that in the recent Bachelorette finale (after sending two other cute, eligible men packing who were willing to propose to her) –unfortunately what she said seems strangely appropriate now.


Well, evidently stories are surfacing about two women who state that they were dating Ed during the show and/or even after the final proposal. These two other women have reportedly provided jillian_disappointedtext, email, and photo “proof” (including a detailed time-line and video at this link) of their “amazing connections” with Ed.

So far, the happy couple Jillian and Ed are equally sure about their reports that they are still a happy couple and going ahead with their marriage in about a year. Jillian reported that the story about the other two women is “nonsense.”

If these allegations turn out to be in any way true, this could trump the Jason and Melissa (Molly) debacle.

I am pretty much a romantic at heart, and still hope that Jillian and Ed could truly be wilted roseengaged in a happy relationship. (Trista and Ryan sure needed a break as ABC’s poster couple). Here’s hoping that Jillian’s final rose will not already be wilted on the vine!

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dontjumpThat’s what it came down to for The Bachelorette finale last night. Jillian thought she had to choose between Kiptyn and Ed, but in an unusual move—Reid came back right in the middle of the “proposal rose ceremony.”

Jillian had already sent (a sweetly shell-shocked) Kiptyn kyp_jillhome before he could propose. I was really starting to root for Kiptyn! Not only is he cute, but he seemed so sweet and adventurous. He gave to charity, was not “married to his job.” What more could Jillian want? But, I know… the show edits things to paint the picture they want their audience to see. Who knows what the dynamic between Jillian and any of those three final men really was.

Then after Kiptyn leaves in his limo, Reid shows back up in reid_jillan outfit that wouldn’t be fit for a homeless person on an intersection median. He arrives in a mini-van, un-tucked shirt, white shoes. Are we supposed to buy that this polished Philly Realtor could only swing  a “Goodwill” store outfit and a mini-van shuttle to propose marriage to the woman he decided he loved–once she let him go?

Well, Jillian seemed just as incredulous with Reid’s timing.toldya

She took a time out to think through her choices. Chris Harrison appears to help re-focus her resolve for her choice of a suitor. Then she sends Reid back to his mini-van, cries a little–and heads back to her proposal perch.

dont_f_itupRight before the pre-Ed commercial break, with her hands on her hips, Jillian quips “Ed better not f’ing disappoint me!” Tell me aboot it!

I tweeted with #bachelorette fans last night, and we all had a hay-day with all the many euphemisms that Ed and Jillian used to discuss the previous episode’s E.D. incident. Jillian and Ed had one more bed-top date, and a cut away to ABCs graphics of a volcano erupting. OK. We get it.

Jillian looked pretty happy when she finally welcomed Ed jill_N_edtoward the rose island. Ed professed his love for Jillian, but before he got on one knee to propose–he said he needed to know if Jillian loved him too. Smart. Considering the past history of couples who go through these proposals on the show. I mean, Jason and Melissa looked so ecstatic at their proposal–and by the time “after the final rose” aired Jason had “fallen out of love” with Melissa and wanted one of the other finalists (Molly).

Speaking of which, tonight on ABC will be the A.T.F.R. special for Jillian and Ed. I wonder what surprising (or not so surprising) revelations viewers will discover. Then Jillian is scheduled to be on GMA on Wednesday. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds… for those who follow The Bachelorette anyway.

wheresthedogJust one more thing. Was anyone else curious about the total absence of Jillian’s “hot dog test” throughout this season? She could have had a field day testing all 30 of the potential bachelors. Oh well!

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