
Posts Tagged ‘Jake Pavelka’

Well the bridge is definitely out for these two ill fated lovers (at left). Watching Monday’s latest installment of The Bachelorette with Ali and the remaining “mild five” was fairly uneventful. It was the last 20 some odd minutes that brought the heckle value up a notch or five.

The usual post rose ceremony champagne “high five” for Ali and the remaining men was preempted last night to show Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi crash and burn as they officially explained their break up to Chris Harrison. This was not the best publicity for Jake the “fame whore” (Vienna’s “pet name” for Jake).

In the end Jake sounded like he was channeling Ross Perot! “Can I finish? Can I finish?…Can I finish?” — Love may begin with roses, but so often it seems to end with tears. I’m just guessing, but I bet that Jillian, Ali and Tenley are glad they didn’t end up hitching their wagon to this guy’s star!

Fast forward to later that night when Jake had Chinese food for dinner…

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Well, who’d a thunk it? Jake and Vienna broke up.

Yesterday was just another summer Tuesday… until news broke all over the interwebs reporting the “nasty” break up of the most recent Bachelor and his controversial pick for fiancée. Jake is saying only that “Sometimes love just isn’t enough in a relationship.”

Of course there are always plenty of rumors swirling about “who cheated on who,” or whether or not they ever actually kissed off camera (per Vienna’s step-mom). The reality of reality TV show love is that, in fact, many people consider the end of this “fairy tale romance” another one of those break-ups that is no surprise.

I wonder if Ali (who left Jake for her job) will have any better luck in this season’s offering of The Bachelorette.

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😉  …more later… (maybe…)

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I have often been bewildered by the search terms that have led people to this blog. Some have been down right weird, others have just left me scratching my head. Here is the most recent search term anomaly dominating the stats on this blog currently:

Wow! I didn’t think this fella really made that much of an impression on America. Was it his milquetoast portrayal of the most recent season of The Bachelor? Was it is lackluster stroll on to, and quickly off of, Dancing with the Stars?

Who knows! But this is the first search term cluster that knocked the most sought after woman on the web off of the top searches list… and that was a top search that lasted for years!

Never let it be said that this blog didn’t deliver to readers what they were searching for… 😉 HA!! Not necessarily my cup ‘o tea… but hey, I can go without tea today. 😀

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It is about all I can do to type WTF were you thinking Jake?” But then again, I have said that countless times at the end of past seasons of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. Why do I keep watching? I don’t know, except it is one of my silly little guilty pleasures to heckle this show!

After last week’s show I had even posted that Jake may not choose anyone–after last week’s preview showed Jake “pulling a Mesnick” (as Chris Harrison put it). But, alas. He did choose a fiancé–and he chose Vienna.

And if you remember one of my previous recap posts from this season you know why I opened the post with “WTF Jake?”–because out of the last two women standing… he did indeed have “The Lady and the Tramp” to choose from.

We shall see if the Jake and Vienna pairing is a match that is truly on the wings of love, or if that’s just what they’re selling us! HA! There are already reports that Jake is cheating…

Speaking of selling… Jason and Molly are getting married… and guess what? The wedding will air next week 0n ABC. Chris Harrison also announced that Ali Fedotowsky was to be the next Bachelorette.

Hey, no one ever promised us a rose garden! 😉

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Last night was the salacious “The Bachelor- the women tell all.” It is always a fun hour or so of TV to heckle. They really dig to bring up as many tears and controversies as possible from the current season.

One of my favorite moments was when Chris Harrison brought Rozlyn out to the “hot seat” to ask her about her “inappropriate relationship with one of their staffers.” If last season’s villain was Wes, this season’s villain was Rozlyn. My favorite moment was when Chris was trying to get Rozlyn to fess up to her behind the scenes affair, and she was denying any “physical relationship” and answers his questions with a question “riddle me this Chris?” as part of her rebuttal. Really? Anyway, several of the other women in the house offered their varying accounts of Rozlyn and the “staffer” that each saw engaging in “inappropriate” physical contact. Oops! Oh well!

Then we get on with Chris talking with the two most recent cast offs from the season. First, Ali. She made it to the final four and then pulled an “Ed” and left the show so she wouldn’t lost her job. Viewers know that from last week’s episode that Ali asked Jake to come back to the show, but Jake said no. Then there was Gia. She was in the final three and on the fantasy dates. Evidently Jake let her go because she was not able to open up enough to him. I know we were perplexed last week as to why Jake kept Vienna and sent Gia packing. But then again, we have learned that we almost always pick different people than the Bachelor/Bachelorette choose.

Then we get the build up to next week’s finale. Who will Jake choose? Tenley, or Vienna?

Next week Jake will have one final date with each girl. And it appears that each girl will get to meet Jake’s family.

As is usually the formula, each woman will also have one last date with the shirtless Bachelor to convince him that she is the woman for him. Which woman will convince Jake that she is the one and only for him? I have stopped guessing at this point. I am never right about who the last woman/man standing will be! 😉

Then of course, there is the vague sort of grim picture they are already painting about the finale. Chris says “next week we hopefully find out which woman Jake will choose.”

If you have been watching the teaser previews for the “final rose ceremony”– the moment when supposedly The Bachelor asks one of the women to marry him– you may be getting the sense that no one will leave next week’s finale happy. It sure looks like all parties involved are in a pile of tears!

Who will Jake choose? Will he choose anyone? Chris asked Jake last night about his decision stating “I know you can’t tell us too much… but are you happy?” Usually they ask something like “are you in love?” or “did you find love?” But not last night. With sort of a grimace on his face (the one we have all come to recognize this season) Jake states “yes, I am happy.” Does he look happy here? Nope! We shall see what happens March 1st on “the most dramatic rose ceremony ever!” (Seems to me I have heard that one somewhere before.) Damn, you think that 3 people falling in love in a beautiful paradise would have happier looks on their faces! 🙂

And the final query of the night…

What was up with Chris Harrison swapping back and forth between vest and no vest? How long are they taping that hour long “tell all” fest?

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Or “Love is a battlefield.” Those are the two titles that come to mind after watching last night’s installment of The Bachelor. Jake and the final three women headed off to Saint Lucia. I kept saying I’ll have to Google where that is. So I did this morning, and here it is. I have to tell ya, looking out my window this morning the wanderlust is kicking in for sure! We have not finished digging out of the 3 feet of snow we got blasted with last week — and today the snow is coming down again. How lovely it would be to dream off to a place like Saint Lucia!

Back to reality. And back to “reality” TV.

Jake, Gia, Tenly and Vienna all seemed to enjoy the gorgeous Saint Lucia. Each of the one-on-one dates were very different as far as daytime activities. The three women are very different. And Jake got to show a very different side of himself on all three dates. But as usual the evening activities included the exact same verbiage as always on the “fantasy suite card.” (Come on Chris, shake it up a little… use your words, find multiple ways to invite people to the whoopie suite!) 😉

I am such a “girl” and a romantic because when I see all those rose petals scattered around the suite and all those candles lit I exhale an “aw!” And my lady by contrast is rolling her eyes. What can I say! I love all that romantic crap!

Anyway, I have to tell you that abc is pretty clever with their commercial cliffhanger grabber teasers. At one point they tease that Ali is going to call Jake and say she “made the wrong decision” choosing her job over Jake (Doy!). The teaser shows us Jake on the phone saying “get on the next plane to here as fast as you can.” Of course when it plays out in the episode we see Jake saying “it’s not like I can say get on the next plane… I have fallen in love with three other women.”

Now, two weeks ago they show a clip of Jake looking happy at the final rose ceremony with a voice-over “I have found my wife” or something like that. But last night? They craft an upcoming preview of Jake at the final ceremony looking sad, crying over a banister (like Jason did), making both women cry with a voice-over of something like “I just don’t know if it is fair to pick one when I am in love with two.” {sigh}. Not because he is in love with two women at the same time, because I have learned not to heckle or judge those poor saps for being in love with more than one person at a time. But because after all of this, it seems like a calculated let-down to bring people to the end of an “amazing journey” (well worn Bachelor/Bachelorette catch phrase) only to say “well, guess I won’t pick anyone.” I guess we shall see how that final episode plays out in the end.

As for last night, Jake chose to let Gia go home. I was surprised! I had thought the final two would be Gia and Tenley. But nope… he sent the sweet insecure swimsuit model packing.

So the two women who remain are indeed Tenley and Vienna. And anyone who is watching this season of The Bachelor will know why I titled this post “Lady and the Tramp.”

Who will Jake pick? Will he pick anyone? Will he throw his sobbing self over the banister this time? I guess those who tune in will find out on March 1st.

☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼ The below is for my blog buddy Kevin! 😉 ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼

(Click on the image to take you to a page where you can see much more of Jake.)

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