
Archive for July, 2009

A while ago I ran across a synchroblog event on the web. The idea alone was cool enough, but this particular event was aimed at bringing together voices who speak out on the common ground between us, it was called: “Bridging the Gap: Conversations on Befriending Our Gay Neighbors.” (Over 50 bloggers simultaneously posted articles on June 24th on the topic of bridging the gap between the church and the gay community.)

bridgebuilder_awardI was moved by what I read, and encouraged by all the various types of individuals out there who shared from their hearts. This impressive coming together of writers and hearts inspired me to create the “bridge builder award.”

The bridge builder award is pretty simple really. Think of a blogger or web writer you know who, in their connections with others, really has a heart for building bridges between all different types of people. Someone who leaves you with a little more hope, humor, humility, happiness.

Are you a bridge builder? Do you know a bridge builder? Nominate them here.

There are two “rules” for this award:

  1. The first rule is to write 3 ways you build bridges between yourself and others.
  2. The second is to nominate 3 of your favorite blogs/writers for this award.

A good blog friend of mine suggested that as an alternate to “rule 1” above: “Perhaps your future awards should be where you provide the three reasons how someone bridges the gap and then the recipients respond to the award and the three reasons you provide.”

I think I will work on writing this up.

If you have been nominated, email me and I will happily send you the code for the badge.

Who are some of the amazing individuals who have already been nominated and awarded as Bridge Builders?

  1. Rebecca and Lorri at Truth and Love After 40
  2. Liz at Grace Rules
  3. Hugh at Meet Adam and Steve
  4. Lindsey at *![emphatic asterisk]
  5. Anita at Grace Unfolding-SisterFriends
  6. Queer Unity at the Queers United Blog
  7. Kathy at The Carnival in my Mind
  8. Phil at PhilShepherd.com
  9. Candace at Bulletproof Faith
  10. Rachel at The Sweet Bi and Bi
  11. Jude at Jaysays
  12. Birdie at Strelitzia Blog
  13. Karen at Pursuing God
  14. Andrew at Love is an Orientation
  15. Jules at The Wonderer

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finalroseLast night fans of The Bachelorette finally saw “after the final rose.” In previous seasons it was with dramatic anticipation that fans tuned in to see what may have happened to the “happy couple” once they hit the semi-real world after the final camera. Or, at least for the first clandestine 6-8 weeks during which ABC airs the newest season of the show.

Anyone who has followed The Bachelor/Bachelorette remembers how badly the last A.T.F.R. went with Jason Mesnick breaking up with his fiance Melissa on “live” TV. In fact, humor was circulating aboot the Twittersphere wondering if Jillian was going to “pull a Mesnick.” HA! In fact, the show started with a replay of Jason dumping Melissa on air and a gratuitous update about happily engaged she is to her fiance Ty.

atfrBack to the couple at hand. Contrary to previous A.T.F.R. couples, Jillian still seemed devoted to her decision to pick Ed, and Ed still seemed just as giddy to be the last man standing. Can it be true? Can this be the first happy couple since Trista & Ryan? (And thank goodness they did not parade those two on this show!). Even Deanna & Jesse had some strained body language at their A.T.F.R. But, Jillian and Ed appear naturally and equally happy.on_gma

Jillian and Ed finished taping this season of The Bachelorette in May and have evidently been seeing a lot of each other over the summer. They looked just as happy this morning on GMA (Ed often seemed to be looking a the monitor more than the host).

jill_ed_copperLater, on Regis & Kelly (with Anderson Cooper co-hosting) as they did during their proposal finale. Anderson Cooper asks Jillian how many guys she slept with– artfully dodged of course. Then they play a cute “newlywed type” game on the show. Finally a reference is made to the “hot dog test.” Evidently, Ed is a mustard guy. Let’s see what that means:


Could Jillian and Ed be the new poster couple for the Bachelorette/Bachelor franchise? They look pretty happy. They said last night on A.T.F.R. they would getting married within about a year, and this morning on GMA they said 12-18 months. I am betting ABC wants to broadcast that one! They need a fresh couple to exploit! LOL.

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dontjumpThat’s what it came down to for The Bachelorette finale last night. Jillian thought she had to choose between Kiptyn and Ed, but in an unusual move—Reid came back right in the middle of the “proposal rose ceremony.”

Jillian had already sent (a sweetly shell-shocked) Kiptyn kyp_jillhome before he could propose. I was really starting to root for Kiptyn! Not only is he cute, but he seemed so sweet and adventurous. He gave to charity, was not “married to his job.” What more could Jillian want? But, I know… the show edits things to paint the picture they want their audience to see. Who knows what the dynamic between Jillian and any of those three final men really was.

Then after Kiptyn leaves in his limo, Reid shows back up in reid_jillan outfit that wouldn’t be fit for a homeless person on an intersection median. He arrives in a mini-van, un-tucked shirt, white shoes. Are we supposed to buy that this polished Philly Realtor could only swing  a “Goodwill” store outfit and a mini-van shuttle to propose marriage to the woman he decided he loved–once she let him go?

Well, Jillian seemed just as incredulous with Reid’s timing.toldya

She took a time out to think through her choices. Chris Harrison appears to help re-focus her resolve for her choice of a suitor. Then she sends Reid back to his mini-van, cries a little–and heads back to her proposal perch.

dont_f_itupRight before the pre-Ed commercial break, with her hands on her hips, Jillian quips “Ed better not f’ing disappoint me!” Tell me aboot it!

I tweeted with #bachelorette fans last night, and we all had a hay-day with all the many euphemisms that Ed and Jillian used to discuss the previous episode’s E.D. incident. Jillian and Ed had one more bed-top date, and a cut away to ABCs graphics of a volcano erupting. OK. We get it.

Jillian looked pretty happy when she finally welcomed Ed jill_N_edtoward the rose island. Ed professed his love for Jillian, but before he got on one knee to propose–he said he needed to know if Jillian loved him too. Smart. Considering the past history of couples who go through these proposals on the show. I mean, Jason and Melissa looked so ecstatic at their proposal–and by the time “after the final rose” aired Jason had “fallen out of love” with Melissa and wanted one of the other finalists (Molly).

Speaking of which, tonight on ABC will be the A.T.F.R. special for Jillian and Ed. I wonder what surprising (or not so surprising) revelations viewers will discover. Then Jillian is scheduled to be on GMA on Wednesday. It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds… for those who follow The Bachelorette anyway.

wheresthedogJust one more thing. Was anyone else curious about the total absence of Jillian’s “hot dog test” throughout this season? She could have had a field day testing all 30 of the potential bachelors. Oh well!

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